YorWealth show their support for City KickAbout on Tour

“A refreshing approach to doing good”

“Yorwealth have a refreshing approach to doing good. As an organisation who focuses on their client’s family and future, there is a lot of symmetry with the work York City Foundation do making a difference in our community and promoting active lives. We quickly realised that we needed to do something for young people,” said Paula Stainton, YCFC Foundation Manager.

“We’ve known the Yorwealth Directors for a couple of years, and this opportunity arose to partner after they heard me speak at an event about the impact that the Foundation have in our community of York, and they asked how they could support this.”

YorWealth help clients and their families plan for a better future. They play a crucial role in helping their clients understand what they want, when they want it and how to get there. They understand that the purpose of wealth is to enrich life and the lives of loved ones. With a focus on family based financial planning means their clients can trust Yorwealth to safeguard their family wealth throughout the generations

The partnership will support the development of a new project: City KickAbout on Tour. City Kickabout is a programme offering  positive diversionary activity sessions for young people aged 8-17, in areas of targeted need in York, using the power of sport to engage with young people and providing suitable role models as well as the sport activity helping to improve physical and mental wellbeing.

Taking the programme on tour, enables the Foundation to work in collaboration with 5 local youth partners to offer them Kickabout sessions with provision of qualified coaches and equipment, to enable them to provide wider opportunities for young people who may not otherwise engage with sport.

John Lane, Director of Marketing and Operations confirmed their excitement in being involved in the innovative project, “At YorWealth, one of our core values is community involvement.

“We are thrilled to support the “City KickAbout on Tour” with York City FC Foundation, bringing an exciting programme of activities to the young people in the York area.

“We are eager to actively participate in this initiative, so don’t besurprised if you see a few of us are out there in our football boots, joining in the fun!”